KVK Model Farm
A model farm with important horticultural and other crops is developed to cater the need of farmer from the district with modern irrigation system. A new experiment with high density plantation, multi-stored cropping and high tech floriculture, use of biotech techniques for the pest management, Vermiculture biotechnology and modern nursery with various shed net houses to meet the training need and supply the planting material to the farmers. Farm mechanization with various tractor drawn implements, power tillers. Dry land horticulture with watershed development approach supported by various soil & water conservation techniques, wasteland development through the Agro forestry project, Non-conventional cropping systems with exotic crops like avocado and landscaping with the ornamentals.
To demonstrate various agricultural and horticultural technologies and to motivate the farmers to accept new production techniques, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nashik developed 80 acres modern horticulture farm in YCMOU campus. The orchards consisting high yielding and improved varieties of Mango, Grapes, Sapota, Guava, Aonla, Cashew nut, Litchi, Coconut, Custard apple. All the borders of farm are planted with Coconut and Jackfruit.
Details and Fruit Crops cultivation at KVK Nashik Farm
Sr. No. |
Name of the fruit crop |
Variety |
Date of plantation |
Spacing |
No. of plants |
Area (acres) |
01. |
Sapota |
Kalipati |
29.6.1996 |
20’x 20’ |
246 |
2.0 |
02. |
Guava |
L-49 |
30.6.1996 |
20’x 20’ |
254 |
2.0 |
03. |
Mango |
Kesar |
29.6.1996 |
20’x 20’ |
231 |
2.0 |
04. |
Mango |
Ratna |
30.6.1996 |
20’x 20’ |
110 |
1.0 |
05. |
Mango |
Sindhu |
30.6.1996 |
20’x 20’ |
96 |
1.0 |
06. |
Grapes |
Thompson Seedless |
05.1.1999 |
5’x 9’ |
1570 |
2.0 |
07. |
Grapes |
Sonaka |
06.1.1999 |
5’x 9’ |
1360 |
1.5 |
08. |
Aonla |
6 varieties |
11.8.1985 |
20’x 20’ |
132 |
1.5 |
09. |
Avocado |
Green, Yellow |
03.7.2001 |
12’x 15’ |
30 |
10. |
Agro-forestry |
diff-forest plants |
07.6.1996 |
10’x 10’ |
39056 |
35.0 |
11. |
Litchi |
Sahi, China |
09.7.1999 |
20’x 20’ |
203 |
2.0 |
12. |
Cashew nut |
Vengurlla-4,7 |
09.7.1999 |
20’x 20’ |
349 |
3.5 |
13. |
Mango |
Kesar |
10.7.1999 |
15’x 15’ |
641 |
4.0 |
14. |
Mango |
Kesar |
06.7.2001 |
20’x 20’ |
4.5 |
15. |
Mango |
Alphanso |
15'x 15' |
75 |
16. |
Coconut |
28.06.2003 |
20’x 20’ |
1700 |
17. |
Tamarind |
Nageshwari-9 |
04.7.2001 |
20’x 20’ |
270 |
2.0 |
18. |
Jamun |
Gokak-1,2,3 |
03.7.2001 |
20’x 20’ |
559 |
4.5 |
19. |
Aonla |
NA-6,7,10 |
04.7.2001 |
20’x 20’ |
110 |
1.0 |
Total |
47635 |
75.0 |
Modern Irrigation System

Considering the soil strata, undulating topography of the farm, high density horticultural plantation and their water needs, the drip irrigation system was installed in 1996 for initial plantation and in the year 2001-02, similarly in the year 2003-04 for the university campus plantation. The major aim of developing such irrigation unit is to minimize operational cost, increasing the ease in operation and maximizing the water use efficiency and increase in crop yields by using scientific methods of irrigation. Being a demonstration unit to support the training programmes the system having on line and in line drippers, micro-sprinklers, misters and foggers. This unit is useful to train the farmers to use the irrigation water.
Dry Land Horticulture

As per the available land, for its proper utilization as well as to face the problem of water shortage Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nashik planted 25 acre dry land fruit crops like Aonla, Tamarind, Jamun, Jackfruit and Mango. These crops are planted on eroded and sloppy land in University campus. This plantation is supported by water conservation techniques and micro irrigation system, which helps to increase the soil moisture and ground water recharge.
High Density Plantation

The recommended planting distance for major fruit crops is 10 m. x 10 m. while Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nashik planted Mango, Guava, Sapota by high density method on 7 m x 7 m and meadow orchard for Kesar mango on 5 m x 5 m on 3 acre area. The advantage of this system is that the plant population is increased four times more and yield is three times more than recommended distance. This technology is widely accepted by the farmers in the district due to higher per unit area production. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nashik guiding farmers for establishment of high density orchard and care and management. Total 30 acres area in Village Khadak Malegaon is being demonstrated and about 30 area in the district is practiced.
High Tech Horticulture

Considering trends in diversification in agriculture and precision farming a model open vend type polyhouse in demonstrated on 15 R area. Under this High tech Horticulture project a commercial cultivation of various crops in controlled climatic condition is demonstrated for the farmers. A commercial training on management aspects and cultivation of various polyhouse conditions is started from 2007.
Farm Pond Development

Agriculture production and productivity is very much dependent on the irrigation. Out of 150 acres in the University about 120 acre areas is covered with the various crops, landscape and high tech horticulture projects which requires huge amount of water. To meet this requirement of irrigation water it was essential to develop water sources. The university has developed two big water reservoirs in the campus having capacity of about 7.0 billion liter of water. This will help to cater the need of about 5.0 lakh liters of water daily in summer season. Excavation of the soil from those pond help to develop about 5 acres of the useful land in the campus which will be used for various activities.
Agro Forestry

Agriculture production and productivity is also associated with the forest based farming to maintain the biodiversity. This is becoming very problematic in respect of the pest and diseases infestation on cultivated crops. The insect species are supposed to complete their life cycle on various wild and forest plants. Similarly, forest based farming systems are proved to be very useful for hilly area for the soil and water conservation and animal component in agriculture. Agro forestry also helps to maintain the firewood supply in rural area with fast growing firewood trees. Total 35 acre area is covered with various more than 35000 forest plants led to develop suitable microclimate to maintain the biodiversity in the Campus.
Soil and Water Conservation

One of the important aspects in the farming is to reduce the soil and water erosion. To demonstrate the various in situ soil and water conservation practices are being used. Graded contour bunds at specific distance according to slope are demonstrated on 3000 running meter length and about 25 acre of the dry land horticulture is developed with Aonla, Jamun, Tamarind and Custard apple are plantation in the year 2001. This plantation is expected to start yielding in 2010-11.
Integrated Farming
Organic farming is an important aspect in the changing scenario in modern agriculture. To meet the future changing trends and low cost bio resources are to be tested. Accordingly the various organic, inorganic and bio sources are being used to produce the residue free horticultural productions. Results of this the Mango (Kesar) is being accepted for export and 7.50 ton of residue free mango purchased and exported to Japan by the Namdhari Fresh Co. from KVK in 2007.