Who We Are?

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi has established the Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nashik in 1994. It is an innovative farm science institution providing training and information services to the farmers and agribusiness managers. The KVK acts as a vocational training center to work at grass root level and to impart need based training and skills in the field of agriculture and rural development.
Broad objectives of the KVK are:.- To test and refine the technologies at farmers field through On Farm testing (OFT).
- To demonstrate various agro techniques on farmers field through Front Line Demonstrations (FLD).
- To organize various need based Vocational and professional training programs for the Practicing Farmers,Rural Youths.
- To organize trainings for knowledge and skill updating for Extension Functionaries.

Besides these major objectives the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to establish Model Farm to disseminate and demonstrate the agro techniques suitable and useful to the local situations and as per the requirement of the farming community in the district for the sustainable development. Looking into the micro and marginal land holding the suitable and long duration horticulture based cropping systems are being demonstrated with variety of fruit crops.
The suitable and most useful sustainable agro techniques are demonstrated and disseminated through different field demonstrations, trainings cum production units and laboratories.